Lynbrook East Rockaway Little League - Baseball, Softball & Challenger

Board of Directors

2022 - 2023 Board of Directors

 Mike Solow

 [email protected]
 (516) 887-2626

 David Smollett
 Vice President & Umpire-In-Chief

 [email protected]
 (516) 887-2626

 Michela Argento-Serra
 Secretary, Baseball Tee Ball & AA Co-Director

 [email protected]
 (516) 887-2626

 Nick Deninno

 [email protected]
 (516)  887-2626

 Jorge Negron
 Safety Director

[email protected]
 (516) 887-2626

 Steve Kornfeld
Baseball Player Agent, Majors Co-Director

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Amy Ezagui
Baseball Tee Ball & AA Co-Director
[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Mike Gicewicz
Softball Co-Director

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Brandon Hickam
Baseball Minors Co-Director

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Billy Knipe
Sponsor Coordinator

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Steve Schneider
Baseball Majors Co-Director, Equipment

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Greg Straub
Baseball Minors Co-Director

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Denise Strohofer
Softball Co-Director

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626

 Frank Umowski
Uniforms and Equipment

[email protected]
(516) 887-2626


Local Sponsors